Motorcycling Stories

Nothing about motorcycles, everything about India

Robb La Velle

The ride home from office to hotel was a route I had taken before. It has never been a pleasant commute. But for some reason this evening, draped with a dusky, corrosion-hued toxic sky, the scene was reminiscent of...

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On what to wear: Claymore Jackets of East Yorkshire

Robb La Velle

Meet Carl. You might easily confuse him for the local barman, but Carl is the founder, president and COO of Claymore Jackets of East Yorkshire, England. Finding him is a challenge. His web site presence has a distinct ‘get...

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Varanasi – February 2008

Robb La Velle

By eight in the evening on Wednesday, the night of our arrival in the ancient city of Varanasi, the wear of the day on the road had me fading at the dinner table. More than anything, I wanted to...

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Amritsar and the conclusion of my first ride in India – March 2008

Robb La Velle

“It seems a fitting conclusion to our month of riding the breadth of Northern India that it should end in an oasis of sublime beauty and ultimate tranquility. The Golden Temple of Amritsar, the holiest shrine of the Sikh...

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