Motorcycling Stories

Choose your (Around the World) Weapon

Robb La Velle

Your weapon of choice for an around the world adventure: bike or truck? Roro explores why, in his humble opinon, less is always more.

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Riding out of Kathmandu Valley

Joshua John

Kathmandu is one of the most captivating cities in Earth. Extricating yourself from it on a motorcycle is an adventure in itself!

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Why we ride – An Interview with TWE client Igor Spasojevic

Joshua John

It's a big effort to take two weeks off and ride the other side of the world with Two Wheeled Expeditions. Our Josh catches up with a client who's done it twice.

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At a time when women did not even drive, a lady rider blazed a trail.

Robb La Velle

Being a hard-core motorcyclist doesn't always require the machine. A story of a brave woman who helped pioneer motorcycling 90 years ago and remained stoic even when the means to ride no longer existed.

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Whining & Gushing about the new KTM 790 Adventure

Robb La Velle

The new KTM 790 Adventure is the bike you want. But only if you need it.

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